9325 노트

'23.01.05.금 영어 표현 본문


'23.01.05.금 영어 표현

준오. 2024. 1. 6. 00:39

link : https://www.bridgewater.com/research-and-insights/assessing-the-implications-of-a-productivity-miracle


Assessing the Implications of a Productivity Miracle

What happens when cognitive tasks can be done at zero marginal costs? Co-CIO Greg Jensen explores some of the potential impacts that advancements of AI/ML technology could have on companies and the economy, including an extreme scenario that could potentia


We won't touch on most of the possible paths today, but we do want to share some thoughts on the potential world in which a large share of white-collar work can be done at low or zero marginal cost.

Whereas prior innovations automated specific tasks or assisted human efforts to distribute and advance knowledge, a very sophisticated AI could automate the advancement of human knowledge itself.

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